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Mission, Vision & Goals

Our Philosophy and Mission: Gateway Tech High School is committed to creating citizens, scholars and athletes who demonstrate a keen interest in learning, strive to reach their full academic and personal potential and are able to apply academic knowledge to real-world situations and achieve their academic, personal and vocational goals. 

Our Goals for every Gateway Tech School graduate:

  • Communicate effectively, speak confidently, write competently, read with comprehension and listen critically
  • Demonstrate knowledge of core curricular concepts
  • Think critically, question intelligently, and solve problems
  • Become self-reliant life-time learners
  • Make responsible life choices
  • Demonstrate competency in the application of technology

Features of Gateway Tech:

  • No homework
  • Grades that students earn reflect what they know, not what they didn't do
  • Acceleration and early graduation
  • Credit recovery
  • Students can enroll at any time during the school terms
  • Students are encouraged to concurrently enroll in dual credit college courses
  • Students can take traditional academic courses or specific technical training courses
  • 4 hour school day, allowing for before and after school employment and activities
  • Limited unstructured time decreases most behavioral issues
  • Allows students who are pursuing training in competitive sports fields, acting, dancing, gymnastics, etc. to continue that training while also completing high school
  • Works well for the underachiever who has strong academic skills, but perhaps poor grades in a traditional school setting