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Gateway Tech serves students in Grades 9-12.
New Students: apply Here

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A student may enroll at any time during the year as long as there is space available. Due to the nature of the program, students registering during the semester may be required to start over in the current courses as it is difficult to convert grades from a traditional setting to our computer-based program. The consideration for this is made on an individual basis and discussed during the orientation conference.

A student who wishes to enroll from home-school settings or an unaccredited private school may be required to provide documentation of approved coursework before any credit is awarded. Gateway Tech reserves the right to accept or reject such credit. This is discussed during the orientation conference.

A student with a documented history of significant disciplinary infractions in their previous schools resulting in suspension or expulsion or juvenile court adjudication is allowed to enroll only upon the approval of the campus coordinator. The decision to allow this student to enroll depends on the nature and severity of the offense and the likelihood of student success in our program. This decision to enroll or not to enroll the student is made by the campus coordinator. A student who is accepted at Gateway Tech with such history will be enrolled on a conditional basis and an IAP (Individual Academic Plan) is developed as a contract for remaining at our school.